Monday, 13 October 2014

Yoga Lean & Relax: Rainbeau Mars- BeFit Yoga

Short and really nice yoga relax routine for calming down after the long Monday.

Saturday, 7 June 2014

Jillian Michaels: 30 Day Shred Workout- Level 2

The next level of a 30 Day shred, great quick workout for home if you don't have time to hit the gym today.

Tuesday, 20 May 2014

What Causes a Beer Belly?

Clear and simple explanation for why beer gives you a big fat belly from Greg Foot.

Saturday, 17 May 2014

Today's morning exercise

A great quick, light 30 minutes workout from Jillian Michaels - ideal for morning. This workout combines strength and cardio exercises done in cycles of 3 minutes of strength, 2 cardio and 1 minute ABS. You'd need a mat and a couple of weights. 

Thursday, 15 May 2014

Tuesday, 13 May 2014

Cheats to treats

It's hard to keep out from sweet treats from time to time, especially when it's that week when you've told yourself that you are ready to loose these little extras around your waist and cut the sugars out on Monday morning and it's Tuesday night already. It feels like it's been ages since you've enjoyed yourself with anything tasty by now so you fight the urge to give up and eat that chocolate or a cheesecake. 
Don't tell anyone, but there's a cheat out of this. If you really craving something sweet, get some dried fruits, make sure it doesn't have any added sugars in it. It's true that you will be getting extra calories this way, but you'll also get great nutritional value as well, and they taste great! Now the real cheats are just a couple of them: prunes and apricots, the reason is that they've got laxative properties. So you are not only going to enjoy something sweet but also get your digestive system softly cleansed, which is going to be beneficial for your weight loss  program in the long run. Just don't take too much at a time. 

Monday, 12 May 2014

Favorite Monday song

I've just spent an hour trying to remember and then find that song, the song I was the most happy to hear today. So how come I don't know what is the song that I like so much? Well I didn't know I like it until tonight and probably won't really recognize it if I hear it tomorrow. The reason is simple, It's the cool-off track of the Cycle class I'm having on Mondays. I love the class, the instructor is just amazing but I've missed the warm up today so it was a bit harder for me than usual and I was So, sooo happy to hear the cool-off song:) It meant the hard part i over. Hm.. I really need to figure out what that track was.

Upd... I found it, yey! it's Dane Rumble - Don't Know What To Do

Fitness junkie

I'm a bit of a fitness junkie, meaning that I do feel a need to move, exercise, push my body to achieve physical limits. I don't particularly like the idea being sweaty and tired as is however I have to admit I am enjoying that state as it gives me an indication that I'm in charge of my body, that I'm stronger than the inner voice that tells us to spare ourselves and be lazy and quite frankly I feel a state of euphoria after the workout... must be endorphins.